Today, Tuesday, February 4, 2025, the Catholic Church celebrates different saints who are considered of great importance within this religion, in addition to celebrating La Candelaria. If you want to know today’s saints, we share the details with you on TV Azteca Quintana Roo.
On this date, the Catholic Church commemorates the life and work of various characters who, throughout history, stood out for their faith, their virtues and their service to others.
Saint Andrew Corsini: Who was he and why is he celebrated today?
This Tuesday, February 4, in the Catholic Church, Saint Andrew Corsini, an Italian who in his youth was rebellious and problematic, but it was not until a dream of his mother that he decided to change and then he entered the Carmelite order, dedicating the rest of his life to prayer and service to others.
He was canonized in 1629, long after his death. Saint Andrew Corsini was an example of conversion and service to the community, as well as being a mediator and peacemaker when a conflict arose.
What saints are celebrated today, February 3?
Today, Tuesday, February 4, we celebrate several saints and blesseds, among which the following stand out:
Saint Eutychius
Saint Andrew Corsini
Saint Papias
Martyr Saints Phileas and Philoromus, of Alexandria
Saint Isidore of Pelusium
Saint Aventine of Troyes
Saint Rabanus, “Maurus”
Saint Nicholas the Studite
Saint Gilbert of Sempringham
Saint Joan of Valois
What are name days and what is their meaning?
Name days refer to the day on which a saint whose name coincides with yours is commemorated. For example, if your name is John, your name day would be Saint John’s Day.
Each saint’s name is associated with a particular virtue or quality. When celebrating someone’s name day, we acknowledge the virtues that bear his or her name and wish him or her the opportunity to develop them in his or her life.

Source: aztecaquintanaroo