“With the increases to the toll rates on the Durango-Mazatlán superhighway, we are all the big losers, even if we do not travel on that road. A motorist will pay 1,568 pesos, passenger buses 3,278, while freight transport will have to pay 6,264 pesos for a round trip,” said local deputy Ernesto Alanís Herrera.
He also stressed that just in September of last year, Caminos y Puentes Federales (Capufe) announced a 5.5 percent increase and it came into effect on January 10; “11 percent increase in a quarter is unacceptable and even worse, when the physical conditions of the asphalt are in terrible condition.”
He added that the recent strengthening of minimum wages, which came into effect on January 1, 2025, is pulverized by the chain of increases generated by the high prices of gasoline and diesel.
“Thus, there will be no possibility of buying 2.5 basic food baskets in six years, a goal that the Federal Government has set,” Alanís Herrera said.
“The ideal would be for Capufe to apply the result of each increase in the maintenance of the superhighway, but there is no adequate preventive maintenance and, in most cases, corrective maintenance is excessively slow,” he considered.

Source: elsiglodedurango