They are going for the rehabilitation of cycle paths in the capital of Queretaro


The rehabilitation of cycle paths will be a priority within the mobility infrastructure, informed the municipal president of Querétaro, Felipe Macías Olvera, after various cycling associations expressed their position on the Decide Querétaro platform.

“My commission is their total rehabilitation and that they are well,” he said.

In this sense, he indicated that it will be strategically defined where to start the works and how to advance in the matter. The above, after the positioning of the cycling groups where they highlighted their concerns about transparency, digital inclusion and the lack of a deliberative process within the Decide Querétaro platform.

Organizations such as QM21 and Pedaleanda will promote five projects focused on pedestrians and cyclists within the citizen consultation launched by the municipality of Querétaro.
“Everything we have done in terms of mobility, specifically in bike lane infrastructure, Pedro Ángeles, the Secretary of Mobility, has the very specific task of leading it hand in hand with the groups, activists and organized and specialized civil society,” said Macías Olvera.

The mayor explained that the Decide Querétaro platform is an orientation exercise to identify priority works, but that the final decisions will also address security and urgency criteria.

Regarding the observations raised by civil society regarding the consultation, Macías Olvera assured that all will be taken into account, although he clarified that the available budget does not allow for covering all needs.

“We are taking them, we are attending to them all, obviously the blanket cannot cover everything,” he said.

At the time, the signatory organizations reiterated their willingness to collaborate with the municipal government to improve the processes of citizen participation and guarantee that decision-making in public works responds to the real needs of the community.


Source: oem