Illegal access to the Guadalajara-Tepic highway closed


The Guadalajara-Tepic highway has implemented measures to combat toll evasion. Authorities have begun to close illegal accesses that were used by drivers to enter the road without paying the corresponding fee.

Personnel from the National Emergency Commission (CNE), Nayarit delegation, reported on the closure of these unauthorized accesses. The aim is to prevent drivers from evading payment of the toll, which represents an economic loss for the highway and affects its maintenance.

It has been indicated that several illegal accesses to the Guadalajara-Tepic highway have already been closed, including those of Ojo Zarco and El Arenal. It is noted that it is likely that other accesses, such as Santo Tomás, will also be closed in the future.

Cierran accesos clandestinos a la autopista Guadalajara-Tepic-

Source: tribunadelabahia