17 people arrested in Guanajuato; they would be members of criminal cells


In Guanajuato, authorities arrested a group of 17 alleged members of criminal cells dedicated to drug dealing and extortion in the municipalities of León, San Francisco del Rincón, Irapuato and Celaya.

During the operations that led to the dismantling of these criminal cells, the authorities seized property, vehicles, firearms, ammunition, magazines, drugs, telephone equipment and cash.

The Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for the Investigation of High Impact Crimes, of the Attorney General’s Office of Guanajuato, collected evidence to obtain search warrants and intervene in the properties where the alleged criminals operated.

The detainees were identified as: Raúl “N”; Lorena Patricia “N”; Adán Anastasio “N”; Juan Diego “N”; Juan Mauro “N”, Christian Antonio “N”; Luis Alberto “N”; Magdalena de la Soledad “N”; Alessandro “N”; Stefano Ervin “N”.

Guanajuato Authorities guarded properties that had been used to commit the crime and are now under the protection of the Prosecutor’s Office. (Guanajuato Prosecutor’s Office)

Also, Gabriela “N”; Milagros Alejandra “N”; Karla Michelle “N”; Alicia Guadalupe “N”; Felix “N”; Edgar Francisco “N” and Maria de la Luz Brenda “N”

The State Prosecutor’s Office reported that all of them will remain in custody while their legal situation is resolved.

“These operations reflect the effectiveness and coordinated work between state and federal authorities in the fight against crime in Guanajuato,” said the State Prosecutor’s Office.

What are the criminal groups that operate in Guanajuato?

Extortion is a crime that has taken root in Guanajuato and is committed mainly by criminal organizations such as the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel (CSRL) and the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG), according to information gathered by the authorities.

The main victims of this crime are merchants, business owners and restaurateurs. Many of the latter have chosen to close their establishments.

According to the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac), in Celaya they had 150 registered restaurants and today they only have 75. In Salamanca there were 60 and currently only 30 operate.

The businesses closed because they could not stand the excessive ‘floor charge’ executed by the criminal organizations.

The State Attorney General’s Office reported that in addition to the capture of the 17 alleged members of criminal cells dedicated to drug dealing and extortion, in the municipalities of Apaseo el Alto and Salamanca the Public Prosecutor’s Office achieved the forfeiture of two properties, which had been used to commit the crime and are now under the protection of the Attorney General’s Office.

“The Attorney General’s Office of the State of Guanajuato has obtained final sentences that confirm the origin of the forfeiture of property linked to illicit activities, reaffirming its commitment to legality and the administration of justice.”

“These assets are now part of the assets of the Attorney General’s Office, destined to the strengthening of the administration of justice,” said the institution.

Source: elfinanciero