“Let’s take care of the mangroves”: 2.5 tons of garbage removed from El Infiernillo and Urías estuaries, Mazatlán


Two and a half tons of waste were removed from the El Infiernillo and Urías estuaries during the cleaning day of the “Let’s Take Care of the Mangroves” program promoted by the Government of Mazatlán through the Municipal Directorate of Ecology and Environment.

This Saturday, municipal officials and high school and university students met at both points. Prepared with gloves and black bags, they collected plastic, Styrofoam, wrappers and glass waste from the margins of these bodies of water.

María Guadalupe Velarde Rodríguez, director of Municipal Ecology, commented that Mayor Estrella Palacios Domínguez’s mission is to constantly carry out sanitation activities in the wetlands, as well as environmental education talks in educational institutions. This, she added, is part of the strategic axis of her government “A Modern and Sustainable Mazatlán”, which guides the Municipal Development Plan 2024-2027.

“The intention is to go to Mazatlán at least once a month, so that they support us, join the cleaning days and obviously also the integration days. The intention is that the wetlands are clean and that we contribute in that way, cleaning at least the wrappings, plastic and Styrofoam, and obviously, there is a permit in process with Semarnat (Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources) to do deeper and more specialized cleanings,” she explained.

The municipal official commented that the mangroves are the “superheroes” of the coastal ecosystems and protectors against climate change and in Mazatlán they are the lungs that help the city breathe.

The mayor Minerva Osuna Zavala, the director of Sustainable Urban Development, Julio César Osuna Sandoval, and the municipal director of the municipal government, Juan Carlos Osuna, were present at these days. the director of Citizen Attention, Fabiola Osuna Patrón, as well as students from Cbtis 51, Itmaz, Cetmar, the UAS Postgraduate Unit and the company El Macetero.

Source: lineadirectaportal