The Bee Team of the Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Ecosur) organized the Second Honey Fair, an event that brought together various beekeeping organizations and groups from the state with the purpose of strengthening their knowledge and sharing experiences on honey production.
The fair, held in the central garden of Ecosur San Cristóbal, was part of the honey workshop, where attendees learned the stories behind the production of this product in different regions of Chiapas. Among the topics discussed were the pollen and physicochemical analysis of honey, the interpretation of these studies and the opportunities in local, national and international markets.
One of the highlights of the event was the tasting of honey from different areas of the state, allowing attendees to identify the particularities of each one and understand the relationship between the identity of the product, the diversity of the territory and the beekeeping culture of the region.
Likewise, information was shared on the honey production process, its benefits and the differences with other types of honey. As part of the event, the presence of some deputies was expected, to whom the beekeepers intended to expose the problems that the sector faces.
The Ecosur Bee Team, organizer of the event, is dedicated to education in rural communities and scientific research on bees and their impact on society, thus contributing to the development and strengthening of the beekeeping sector in Chiapas.

Source: nvinoticiaschiapas