Guanajuato, third place nationally in cybersecurity implementation


Guanajuato ranks third in cybersecurity implementation nationwide, according to the latest report from the Mexico Digital Center, reported Antonio Reus Montaño, head of the Secretariat of Innovation.

The official stressed that cybersecurity is key in an environment where electronic commerce, platforms and digital applications are constantly growing, but security is often left in the background.

“It is very good data, although not something to boast about, because cybersecurity is a daily job that requires discipline, caution and respect. The important thing is that businessmen, entrepreneurs, scientists and the entire community in Guanajuato generate and share this culture in their homes,” he said.

Reus Montaño warned about the risks of account theft on social networks and the vulnerability of many companies, some aware of it and others still unaware of it, which is why it is necessary to strengthen prevention in this area.

He also stressed that 70% of vulnerabilities in companies have their origin in the human factor, since employees, often unwittingly, provide information that facilitates the work of cybercriminals.
