Capture of ‘Don Chuy’, head of the CJNG in Zacapu, Michoacán, causes clashes and suspension of classes


The Municipal Government of Zacapu, Michoacán, decided to suspend classes throughout the district after multiple shootings and drug blockades were reported following the capture of a criminal leader.

Preliminary reports indicate that it was during the early hours of Tuesday when federal and state agents located Jesús “R”, alias ‘Don Chuy’, alleged plaza boss of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), and three of his collaborators who were in possession of weapons and drugs.

During the operation, the uniformed officers were attacked with gunshots, which sparked a confrontation. At the time of this publication, it is known that the result of the shootings was two injured security elements.

After the capture of the alleged lieutenant, members of the criminal group set fire to heavy vehicles with the intention of impeding traffic on the roads that connect the municipality of Zacapu with other regions of the state. The first reports indicate that the narco-blockades were registered on the Pátzcuaro-Erongarícuaro, Pátzcuaro-Tzintzuntzan and Capula-Quiroga highways.

A couple of hours after the security deployment and the violent reaction of the criminal group, the municipal president of Zacapu, Mónica Valdez Pulido, issued a video message to the citizens.

“I know that the events of this morning have generated concern. I want to tell you that we are working tirelessly to guarantee your safety and your peace of mind. The decision to suspend school activities is for the most valuable thing we have: our girls, boys and young people,” said the mayor in the recording shared via Facebook.

“I ask for calm and confidence in this uncertainty […] I will not rest until our people are at peace and calm,” added the official.

‘Don Chuy’ and the other three detainees were placed at the disposal of a Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office agent, while the authorities removed the vehicles that interrupted traffic on the surrounding roads.

Second highly relevant arrest so far this month
In reporting on the operations this morning, the Government of Michoacán presumed that the arrest of ‘Don Chuy’ represents the second seizure of a priority target so far this month.

It should be remembered that on the afternoon of February 10, state and federal elements arrested Francisco Manuel “N”, alias ‘El Panchillo’, in Pátzcuaro, identified as the head of the criminal cell of Los Panchitos.

Reports shared by journalist Rubén Mosso for Milenio refer that this group would be made up of former members of other organizations with a presence in the region, such as the CJNG, the Knights Templar and the United Cartels.

Source: infobae