Illegal Taxis Proliferate in Campeche, Legal Drivers Demand Action


Pirate passenger transport services are causing a significant drop in demand for legal taxi services in Campeche, according to the National Transport Movement (MNT). Irregular taxis are operating in large numbers under the administration of Governor Layda Sansores, who has been accused of ignoring the demands of legitimate transporters.

The MNT reported a sharp decline in taxi services, with the average number of services dropping from 30 to 20 every eight hours, a decrease of 44.4%.

Protesters have repeatedly requested meetings with the State Transport Institute to address the issue. While a hearing is scheduled in the coming days, there has been no response yet.

In the capital of Campeche, 90% of taxis are operating illegally. During recent inspections, the State Transport Institute seized 15 vehicles for expired papers or a lack of a concession.

According to the Sansores government, of the 820 registered taxi units in the state capital, only 10% have updated their documentation to provide legal service.

Source: Excelsior