Governor Esteban Villegas Villarreal rejected that the threat of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, to apply tariffs of 25 percent to Mexican exports, causes nervousness in Chinese companies that are already established or are about to do so in the state of Durango.
On the contrary, he warns that the American president should be very careful with these policies, since they would provide an opportunity for China to install an assembly plant in Mexico and take over the American car market, especially when there are already several Asian supplier companies.
“The United States must be very careful with the issue of tariffs, because if Trump puts tariffs on Mexican vehicles, and this is something that I did not discuss with the president, but if I were her and I were in her shoes and he puts tariffs on her, I would open the door to Chinese companies and they would swallow up the American market,” he said.
He explained that in this scenario, Mexicans will have much cheaper cars with much more technology, hence President Donald Trump should be more careful with these threats that can be counterproductive, since the American car market will be displaced.
Villegas Villarreal said that although the national market is still dominated by American cars, it cannot be overlooked that China is beginning to enter with a strong foothold, so if an Asian automaker were to arrive in Mexico, they would now be able to have all the components in this country, which is where they struggle the most, hence they would have all the complement and would change the entire scenario for the country.
The president said that Mexico, as far as he has been able to understand, has always been willing to reach agreements that suit both countries and Mexico is in a very interesting position for the Asian markets.

Source: milenio