The Secretariat for Economic Development of Oaxaca (Sedeco) presented the strategy called “Oaxaca: Land of Investment Opportunities”, with the objective of strengthening the commercialization of Oaxacan products abroad, attracting local, national and foreign investment, establishing financing schemes, and promoting links with embassies and international organizations. This strategy will be implemented in 41 municipalities of the state in a first phase.
This plan, announced in the framework of the installation of the Technical Roundtable for the Attraction and Retention of Investments, underlines that Oaxaca is positioning itself as the gateway to the development of the south-southeast, as a result of the sustainable growth policies promoted by the state government, said the head of Sedeco, Raúl Ruiz Robles.
Oaxaca International Airport to be expanded
The official highlighted that these actions by the state government are in addition to national projects, such as the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Interoceanic Corridor (CIIT), which represents a new global multimodal platform and an invaluable opportunity to position Oaxaca as the country’s economic engine.
Before municipal authorities, leaders and representatives of the local, national and international business sector, Ruiz Robles mentioned that, at the end of the third quarter of 2024, Oaxaca experienced an accumulated growth of 5.5%, placing it in second place nationally. During that same period, the quarterly annual variation was 6.5%, occupying the second position, only behind Zacatecas, with 7.5 percent.
He added that, in 2024, Oaxaca reached the first places in industrial activity, with 14.4%, and in the construction sector. In 2023, the state ranked second, with an annual variation of 7.9%, surpassed only by Quintana Roo. In addition, the population in extreme poverty by income decreased by 3.9 percent.
Oaxaca has managed to reduce its public debt by 3.98%
For his part, the Undersecretary of Economic Development and Investment Attraction of Sedeco, Iñigo Arturo Aragón García, explained that Oaxaca expects a potential investment of approximately 208.1 billion pesos and the creation of more than 22,000 jobs in the period 2023-2028.
According to local information, Aragón García assured that, through the development strategy, innovative mechanisms such as Invierte en Oaxaca and the Digital Single Investment Window will be implemented, in order to increase local, national and foreign direct investment, boost financing for micro, small, medium and large companies, and increase the marketing of Oaxacan products abroad.
Likewise, the dual education model will be promoted, investments with a sustainable orientation will be promoted, recruitment and training will be strengthened as key elements, and the productive chain of Oaxacan companies of specialized services with national and international leading companies will be encouraged. In addition, strategic links will be established with embassies and international organizations.