When is the Veracruz Carnival 2025 and what concerts will there be?


It’s Carnival time all over the world and the most important ones in Mexico are undoubtedly those in Mazatlán, Acapulco, Manzanillo, Mérida, Campeche, among other coastal cities and states, with Veracruz also being one of the most important in the country and usually attracting festivities and artists of great national and international stature.

The Veracruz Carnival is one of the most traditional in Mexico, and this 2025 is in full swing as it celebrates its first Centenary when the first edition was held in 1925, and unlike the others, this one has not been celebrated before Lent for some years, but in the summer.

When will the Veracruz Carnival 2025 be?

For the 2025 edition, the Veracruz Carnival will take place from June 25 to July 1, since the 2022 edition was moved to the summer to ‘attract tourism’ to the state. However, the Organizing Committee agreed that for 2026 the Carnival will once again be celebrated on its original dates before Lent.

After the failed experiment of moving the festivities from their traditional dates, various sectors of the Veracruz population, both the general public and business and tourism sectors recognize that the best dates for the Carnival are before Lent and Holy Week.

Which artists will perform at the Veracruz Carnival?

For the Centennial of the Veracruz Carnival, the following artists have been announced to liven up the festivities.

June 27 – Matute
June 28 – Ricky Martin
June 29 – Wisin
June 30 – Carlos
June 30 – Yuri
July 1 – Porfi Baloa
July 1 – Alberto Barros
July 1 – Luis Enrique

¿Cuándo es el Carnaval de Veracruz 2025 y qué conciertos habrá?

Source: marca