CDMX prepares for NEW merchants’ mega march: When is it and which streets will be closed?


The mega-march of merchants in Mexico City is shaping up to be one of the largest demonstrations of this year. The Plural Movement of Merchants of Public Markets has called on thousands of merchants to join this mobilization on March 4, in protest of the new guidelines published in the Official Gazette of CDMX. If you have plans in the city, we will tell you everything you need to know to avoid traffic chaos.

Why will the mega-march of merchants take place?

According to the organizers, these measures directly affect their assets and the operation of their businesses, since they include changes in the digitalization and simplification of procedures that, they say, could lead to the eviction of their premises.

On social media, merchants have pointed out that these new rules were not consulted with the tenants and that there are inconsistencies between the requirements established by the mayors and those published by the CDMX government. Under the slogan “We are not invisible,” merchants seek to be heard and for their demands to be addressed by the authorities.

Which roads will be affected by the mega-march of merchants?

If you are going to travel through Mexico City this March 4, it is important that you take precautions. The mega-march of merchants could affect important roads, among which stand out:Periférico Oriente and SurPaseo de la ReformaAvenida Insurgentes NorteCalzada de TlalpanAvenida Javier Rojo GómezEje 10 SurAvenida Delfín MadrigalAvenida Miguel Ángel de QuevedoAvenida Congreso de la UniónCalzada Ignacio ZaragozaAvenida de las GranjasEje CentralEje 6 Sur

In which cities of Mexico will there be a march on 8M 2025?

Closed streets, schedules and road optionsIt is not ruled out that Avenida Cuauhtémoc will also be affected, since the offices of the Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco) are located at this point, where demonstrations were already held on February 10.

What are the merchants demanding during the demonstration?

The main objective of the mega-march of merchants is to request the review and, if possible, the revocation of the new guidelines for public markets.

The tenants assure that these changes seek to implement a system of digitalization and procedures that were not previously socialized with them. In addition, the protesters have expressed their concern about the possibility that these measures will be used as an excuse to evict them from their premises, leaving hundreds of families without their source of income. K-Pop light bars and idol songs are already symbols of protest in South Korea. The leaders of the movement argue that there is no clear law on the operation and functioning of public markets in terms of digitalization, which opens the door to interpretations and possible abuses. Recommendations for the day of the mega-march If you need to move around Mexico City during the mega-march of merchants, follow these recommendations to avoid setbacks:

Avoid the main roads mentioned and look for alternate routes through real-time navigation applications.
Use underground public transportation, such as the Metro or Metrobús, to reduce the impact of traffic.
Leave well in advance, since the demonstration is expected to cause significant congestion. Follow the official traffic and civil protection accounts for updated information on closures and detours.

CDMX se prepara para NUEVA megamarcha de comerciantes: ¿Cuándo es y qué calles estarán cerradas?

Source: somosnews