Street vendors in San Cristobal must leave after warnings from authorities


One of the most persistent problems facing the people of San Cristóbal de las Casas is the illegal occupation of the Juan Sabines Gutiérrez Boulevard and Las Américas, located south of San Cristóbal de las Casas. For more than 20 years, transporters, street vendors, and food vendors have occupied the sidewalks of these important avenues without permission. In response to this problem, local authorities have begun to notify each of those involved, inviting them to withdraw voluntarily. However, it is urgent that those affected meet with the authorities to find a definitive solution to the street vendor conflict.

The municipal president, Fabiola Ricci Diestel, commented in this regard that both the Juan Sabines Gutiérrez Boulevard and Las Américas and other public spaces are being notified to free up the illegally occupied spaces. He stressed that the transporters who travel to municipalities such as Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Comitán de Domínguez, Ocosingo, and Yajalón, among others, have been responsible for illegally occupying the sidewalks, which has affected the image of the colonial city. The cleaning of the city becomes even more urgent because San Cristóbal will celebrate its 497th anniversary in the coming days.

“The commitment is to continue reorganizing public spaces, as an authority we will be notifying all those who are occupying the spaces. So far, violence has not been used to remove them, but talk and dialogue are necessary. We are going to continue reorganizing the city. We are going to invite them to leave, because the citizens themselves have requested it,” said Ricci Diestel.

Just like merchants, transporters also occupy spaces on the sidewalk – Gilberto Morales / El Heraldo de Chiapas
He also mentioned that in the José Castillo Tielemans public market, vendors are beginning to withdraw voluntarily, due to the invitations that have been made to them to leave the space free. Motorists have also begun to circulate on the nearby streets, since the vendors are vacating the area.

Free parking and steps in Santo Domingo
After years of occupation by artisan vendors, the space in front of the Santo Domingo de Guzmán temple in San Cristóbal de las Casas is now free

Finally, during a tour of Juan Sabines Gutiérrez Boulevard and Las Américas, it was observed that many food vendors, as well as transporters from the terminals that operate in this area, continue to occupy the sidewalks, which hinders the passage of pedestrians and vehicles. Despite prior notifications, many motorists continue to park on the sidewalks, ignoring the recommendations of the authorities. However, this year they have been warned that they will have to move to the short-haul terminal located in the southern part of San Cristóbal, since if they do not comply with the instructions, the authorities will take stricter measures.

This reorganization process is part of the efforts to keep the city of San Cristóbal clean and orderly, and improve circulation for both citizens and visitors.

ocupación de espacio ilegal

Source: oem