Unique pet certificate announced in Querétaro


The mayor of Querétaro, Felifer Macías, presented the Unique Certificate for Companion Animals, a program that will offer 10 thousand free registrations for dogs and cats, which will include sterilization, anti-rabies vaccine and identification chip. Regarding this, the Secretary of Animal Welfare, Lennyz Meléndez, reported that this initiative seeks to reduce the rates of abandonment and animal abuse, as well as the public health risks generated by the overpopulation of dogs and cats in the streets.

This program will be applied in the seven delegations of the municipality, with special attention to Santa Rosa Jáuregui, a place where a greater number of homeless animals have been registered. The head also detailed that the identification microchip will allow each pet to be identified with name and owner, this to facilitate its location in case of loss, and reiterated that this will be possible because the chip will be implanted subcutaneously, which ensures the objective of its function.

It is worth mentioning that, although it will not be mandatory, it is a key tool to strengthen the culture of responsible ownership. Finally, the official reported that a monthly calendar will be published starting in April, with the dates and locations of application, where interested owners must present their proof of address, INE and contact number.

Source: queretaro.quadratin