4 police officers arrested for extorting a citizen in Zacatecas; authorities assure that there will be no impunity


The Zacatecas State Attorney General’s Office arrested four police officers accused of extortion after a complaint was filed by a citizen.

The officers, identified as Rogelio “N”, Iván “N” and Pedro “N”, worked as members of the Investigative Police, and Francisco “N”, in the Traffic Safety Police, were arrested and face charges of extortion, bribery and criminal association.

Police officers arrested for attempted extortion

After the complaint, the FGE of Zacatecas affirms that there will be no impunity
The arrest was made after a citizen reported to the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Internal Affairs that the police tried to extort him. After an investigation, the authorities managed to capture those involved.

The state prosecutor, Cristian Paul Camacho, assured that there will be no impunity and that the institution is in a process of restructuring to regain the trust of the population.

“I can receive complaints, even yours truly, and be in such a close relationship, as I have already been doing, we have received from citizens, but it is not just about receiving the complaint, it is about giving a tangible result,” Camacho said.

After the arrest, the Attorney General’s Office began a review of the police action protocols to prevent similar cases from happening again. The prosecutor stressed that the majority of the institution’s workers have demonstrated their commitment and have passed the confidence tests.

“In terms of human capital, the State Attorney General’s Office has great colleagues,” Camacho said.

Policías detenidos por intento de extorsión

Source: meganoticias