Pope Francis’ health condition has the religious community in suspense. The Supreme Pontiff has been hospitalized for a couple of weeks due to a respiratory crisis. This situation has caused thousands of faithful to gather in St. Peter’s Square to pray for his speedy recovery.
Although the Pope’s health is reported to be stable on his twentieth day in the Gemelli hospital in Rome, where he has already begun physical therapy, his prognosis is still reserved.
Pope Francis’ health problems have put the spotlight on the College of Cardinals and on two Mexican cardinals: Carlos Aguiar Retes and Francisco Robles Ortega. What chances do the two Mexicans have of becoming the new Pope?
According to the magazine Desde la Fe, both cardinals appear on a list of possible candidates for the new Vicar of Christ; however, Trujillo believes that the designation of the successor depends on the political currents that are in conflict within the Vatican.
“The reason that they are Mexican cardinals could make us think that yes (they have a chance of being elected as Pope), because Mexico has a good percentage of the Catholic population in the world, but they are not among the most nominated successors,” Trujillo assured in an interview with El Financiero.
According to the specialist, both Carlos Aguiar Retes and Francisco Robles Ortega “need more projection or to generate alliances” in the discussions of the conclave.
Given the state of health of Pope Francis, the eyes will be on the College of Cardinals in case of having to choose the new leader of the Catholic Church. [Photograph. Cuartoscuro]
For the UNAM specialist, there are other cardinals who have a clearer path in case of a papal succession.
Among the most prominent cardinals, Ana Luisa Trujillo identified “Peter Erdö, who has a conservative vision, Pietro Parolin, Luis Antonio Tagle, who is a person very close to the Pope.”
In addition, the specialist pointed out that “the African Peter Tucson and Raymond Burke, who is more conservative” are also among the most prominent candidates.
Who is Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes?
He was born on January 9, 1950 in Tepic, Nayarit and has been in the Church for more than half a century, having been ordained a priest in 1973.
In 1997, Carlos Aguiar Retes was named bishop of Texcoco and three years later he was appointed general secretary of the Latin American Episcopal Council.

His career within the Catholic Church continued with the position of president of the Mexican Episcopal Conference, a position he held from 2006 to 2009, when Pope Benedict XVI named him Archbishop of Tlalnepantla.
Since 2017, Carlos Aguiar Retes was appointed as Archbishop Primate of Mexico.
Who is Cardinal Francisco Robles Ortega?
Originally from the municipality of Mascota, in Jalisco, Francisco Robles Ortega was born on March 2, 1949 and was ordained a priest at the age of 27.
By 1996, Robles Ortega was named Bishop of Toluca and seven years later he continued his career as Archbishop of Monterrey.
Pope Benedict XVI also played an important role in the career of Cardinal Francisco Robles Ortega, since he named him cardinal.
His work led him to be Archbishop of Guadalajara since 2012 and he was also president of the Mexican Episcopal Conference.
In 2013, Francisco Robles Ortega was mentioned as one of the ‘papable’ candidates by the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.
Can Pope Francis resign due to his health?
According to Ana Luisa Trujillo, Pope Francis’ health conditions suggest that there will be an imminent papal succession.
“So far (Francis) has said that he will remain in office. According to some cables, he is still serving, despite having health problems, although the delicate state of his condition suggests that we are close to another papal succession,” admitted the specialist.
Francis revealed in an interview with the newspaper ABC that he had already signed his resignation in case of “medical impediment” and that he had given it to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. Photo: AP
According to the ‘minister’ of culture, Gianfranco Ravasi, Pope Francis could resign “if he had serious difficulties in fulfilling his service,” but “his great desire is to fulfill at least the Jubilee.”
“I think so. If he had serious difficulties in fulfilling his service, he will make his own decision. It will be he who decides, of course, perhaps he will ask for advice, but the final word will be his own,” Ravasi explained in Corriere della Sera, when asked about a possible resignation in case of serious health problems.
What will happen to Pope Francis’ legacy if he leaves office?
The teacher in International Studies pointed out that the election of a new Pope will be complicated because it will be decided whether to continue with a progressive legacy of Francis or return to more traditional precepts of the Church.
“I think there are two sides, a strategy to continue with the legacy of Pope Francis, who is progressive, who has tried to open the church to other issues or return to the more traditional canons of the Church,” he added.
Pope Francis remains hospitalized in Rome, and reports indicate that he has already been able to join some of his activities. (AP)
Pope Francis’ reforms have generated tensions with the most conservative sectors of the Catholic Church because he has addressed issues such as abortion, the LGTBI+ community or the priesthood of women, something that a few years ago was unthinkable.
This change has caused resistance to be unleashed against Francis for 12 years and the most ultra-conservative area of the Catholic Church to show without any hesitation its opposition to any decision of the pontiff.
What has Pope Francis said about his death?
The Pope has already left in writing how he wants his funeral to be. It will be a simpler ceremony, faithful to his austere style, without the body being displayed on a catafalque in St. Peter’s Basilica, but in a coffin that will no longer be triple as before.
In addition, he has asked to be buried in a chapel of the Roman Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, which houses the icon ‘Salus Populi Romani’, to which he is very devoted, instead of resting in the Vatican crypt.
In the event of his death, the Church will be in a “vacant seat” and it will be the cardinal ‘camarlengo’, currently the American Kevin Joseph Farrell, who will administer it until a successor is found, as dictated by the Apostolic Constitution ‘Universi Dominici gregis’ (1996).

Source: elfinanciero