A “chance” encounter between marines and armed men sparked a confrontation and chase that ended with the arrest of three civilians, one of them wounded by a bullet.
The Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection of the federal government confirmed that the incident occurred at 12 noon on Munich Avenue, in the Salvador Allende neighborhood.
A convoy of marines was patrolling the area of the 20 de Noviembre neighborhood, when they saw a white car with men who became nervous, pulled out weapons and shot at the naval personnel.
The marines responded to the attack initiated by the armed civilians and chased them on Munich Avenue.
It was said that tire-puncturing guns were used to stop the naval patrols, resulting in several of them being affected.
However, upon reaching the area of the Renacimiento cemetery, the armed civilians were intercepted by another naval unit and were forced to get out of the white car.
The attackers of the naval personnel were disarmed and placed on the roadway, to search for more weapons in the vehicle.
It was on the ground where it was detected that one of the arrested was wounded by a bullet, so he was treated on the spot and then transferred to a hospital.
The other two detainees were brought before the MP to determine their legal status.

Source: oem