Two Germans Disappear in Mérida: An Accident Key to Their Discovery


The Yucatán State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) issued separate wanted notices to locate Manuel Aaron Thiele Geb.Genz, 38, and Julia Sahara Thiele, 31, both originally from Germany.

Although both have been missing since February 4, it wasn’t until 10:40 a.m. on Wednesday, March 12, that the state agency asked for the public’s help in determining the whereabouts of the two individuals, who were last seen in Xcanatún, Mérida, Yucatán.

It was learned that the couple had been arguing for several days, and out of nowhere, their acquaintances stopped seeing them.

For this reason, a friend of the two Germans reported them missing in Mérida on February 4, which would be the last time they were seen. This could be the reason for the delay in issuing the wanted report.

However, a car accident was reported yesterday, Tuesday, March 11, involving the missing German couple in Mérida, who are wanted.

On social media, it was reported that Manuel Aaron hit a young motorist after colliding with him on the Tixcuytún-Cholul highway, while driving his Chevrolet Aveo.

When he reached an avenue, he collided with another car because he ignored the stop sign, and Alemán behaved in an arrogant manner, according to reports.

The driver indicated that after the accident, he proceeded to take photographs, which upset the German, who identified himself as Manuel Aarón Thiele Geb.Gen. The driver hit the young man, breaking his eyebrow and mouth, and took his cell phone.

He later fled the scene; however, he didn’t realize that during the attack, his Mexican residency card issued by the National Migration Institute (INM) had fallen off his person.

Authorities followed this lead and have thus managed to locate these individuals, who are reportedly being transferred to the Yucatán Federal Government (FGE) to resolve both the issue of their disappearance and the damage caused to the vehicle in the traffic accident. – With information from Gabriel Chan Uicab and Mariana Pacheco Ortiz

Source: Diario de Yucatan