There is confusion over some social media posts claiming that Mexico now requires visas for US citizens visiting the country.
According to the posts, this is a new requirement imposed by the Mexican government in response to measures taken by the Trump administration. And now, with many people preparing to travel to Mexico for spring break, the government is preparing to travel to Mexico.
“There has been absolutely no change in our visa policies in recent weeks, months, or years,” Carlos González Gutiérrez, Mexico’s consul general in Los Angeles, recently told NBC San Diego. “As a US citizen, you do not need a visa to travel to Mexico.”
The problem is that the false messages are being shared on social media and causing a lot of confusion among US tourists.
Every year, 40 million tourists visit Mexico, most of them Americans.
“It would be counterproductive,” González told the station. “We would be hurting ourselves.”
According to experts, determining whether something is real or not is becoming more difficult almost every day, due to the use of AI to create videos with recognized images, faces, and voices that say false things.
So, what can you do to detect false information?
Be more cautious and critical than ever.
As a general rule, be wary if you receive messages that don’t come from an official source.
If the information is worrying, there is even more reason to be skeptical.
Also, don’t share information unless you acknowledge its source. Conduct an independent search and confirm that reliable media outlets have published it.
In this case, the official source of trust regarding visas for travel to Mexico is the National Institute of Migration. On its website, you will find a list of countries that do not require a visa to travel to Mexico, including the United States.
Additionally, the websites of Mexican consulates in the United States have a section on services for foreigners.
Although U.S. travelers do not require a visa, Mexico has always required foreigners to complete the Multiple Migration Form (FMM), which can be obtained from the National Migration Institute’s website.
Source: sandiegouniontribune