Sonora’s Secretary of Economy and Tourism was assaulted on the Culiacán-Mazatlán highway; he and his driver are safe.


Sonora’s Secretary of Economy and Tourism, Roberto Gradillas Pineda, and his driver were robbed on the highway between Culiacán and Mazatlán.

The incident reportedly occurred on the evening of Friday, March 14.

The Sonorans were robbed of their belongings, the car they were traveling in, and their cell phones, forcing them to walk for more than two hours before being rescued.
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Both are in good health; they were not physically assaulted.

Sinaloa’s ministerial authorities are investigating the case.

The official was traveling to Mazatlán, where he was to attend an official event with business leaders, investors, and the gastronomic sector of Sinaloa.

Asaltan al secretario de Economía y Turismo de Sonora; él y su chofer fueron despojados en la autopista Culiacán-Mazatlán. Foto: Especial

Source: eluniversal