The trap of criminal groups: recruitment


Criminal organizations use various tactics to attract people, primarily young people and minors, to their ranks, exploiting their social, economic, and emotional vulnerabilities.

According to the study “Children and Adolescents Recruited by Organized Crime” by the civil organization Reinserta, the main recruitment methods are inviting friends and relatives involved in crime, as well as actively seeking young people to join these organizations.

However, recruitment methods go beyond simple attraction, and in many cases, coercion and threats are used to secure the participation of minors.

Recruitment Methods: From Invitation to Coercion

One of the most common ways criminal groups recruit young people is through friends or acquaintances who are already involved in organized crime.

In northern areas of the country, such as Tamaulipas and Coahuila, many adolescents are invited by people close to them to join illegal activities, generally in exchange for easy money or the promise of quick benefits.

This type of recruitment is particularly effective due to the trust that exists between recruiters and victims. The emotional closeness makes the young person willing to accept the offer, regardless of the long-term consequences.

On the other hand, there are adolescents who actively seek to join these groups. Often, these young people find no legitimate alternatives for employment or advancement and see crime as a way to improve their economic or social situation. This “self-initiative” approach is a reflection of the lack of opportunities and the lack of expectations that affect a large portion of Mexican youth.

Instead of seeking work in the formal market, many choose to approach criminal groups as if it were just another job, hoping for a salary and a better life.

Deceptive benefits: money, power and protection

Criminal groups know that young people, especially those facing economic and social hardship, are easily influenced by promises of money, power, and belonging.

Many adolescents who join these organizations are attracted by the idea of ​​receiving quick money and improving their quality of life. However, this immediate reward comes at a very high price: the loss of freedom, exposure to violence, and the constant risk of being caught by the authorities.

In addition to money, criminal groups offer a sense of security and protection. In communities marked by violence and a lack of institutional support, affiliation with a criminal organization may seem like the only way to ensure survival.

These groups provide young people with a sense of belonging, an alternative “family” that gives them the recognition they don’t find in their family or social environments. This sense of acceptance and power is particularly attractive to those who lack an adequate support environment.

In some cases, recruitment is not voluntary. Criminal groups use violence, threats, and coercion to force young people to join their ranks.

In many regions of the country, adolescents have been kidnapped or directly threatened by members of criminal organizations, who force them to participate in illegal activities under the threat of death. Physical and psychological violence becomes a tool to ensure that young people cannot escape the criminal network once they have been recruited.

Furthermore, threats to family members or loved ones are a commonly used tactic to maintain control over those recruited. If a young person decides to leave the organization, criminals do not hesitate to harm their family members or threaten to harm them. Coercion becomes a strategy to prevent the recruit from attempting to flee or regretting their decision.

A relatively new phenomenon in the recruitment of young people by criminal groups is the use of social media and online video games. Criminals approach adolescents through digital platforms, gaining their trust through deception and promises of jobs or gifts. Through these means, criminal groups manage to establish a friendly relationship with young people before involving them in illegal activities.

This type of digital recruitment has been particularly effective because it allows criminals to contact adolescents without needing to be physically present in their surroundings.

Social media has become fertile ground for criminals to identify their future victims, making them believe they are being offered a legitimate employment or entertainment opportunity, when in reality they are being groomed to enter the world of crime.

Key recommendations to prevent criminal recruitment

It is important to be careful when accepting online job offers, as they can often be fake and linked to recruitment by criminal groups.

The Special Prosecutor’s Office for Missing Persons of the state of Jalisco states that these offers often promise simple jobs with high salaries or benefits that seem too attractive.

Additionally, be wary of those that request advance payments or ask for sensitive personal information such as bank numbers or official documents. If you are invited to an interview, make sure it is in a public place and avoid meeting in isolated or private locations.

If you receive an unexpected offer, always investigate the authenticity of the company through reliable sources, such as recognized job boards and official registries. It is advisable not to share personal information until you are completely sure of the legitimacy of the job.

If you have any doubts or suspect a fraudulent offer, contact local authorities for guidance. By taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to fraudulent offers related to illicit activities.

Source: meganoticias