Michoacán mayor with alleged ties to the CJNG and El Mencho could face impeachment; Ministry of Justice denies notification


Anavel Ávila Castrejón, mayor of Coalcomán, Michoacán, will face impeachment proceedings to explain her alleged ties to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) and Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes (El Mencho), after an event was organized in a public square last December that referenced the criminal group and its leader.

According to PAN member Alfonso Janitzio Chávez Andrade, president of the Jurisdictional Commission in the Michoacán Congress, an official (who did not reveal the name of the mayor of Coalcomán) was notified last week and received a receipt regarding the investigation against her and her possible impeachment. Therefore, from that moment on, the relevant investigations began within five calendar days.

However, the leader of the Citizens’ Movement (MC) in Michoacán, Antonio Carreño Sosa, stated that the mayor was not notified within the legal deadline, so any investigation or proceedings against her would be an irregularity.

Carreño Sosa added that since the news broke nationally, the party has been working with Anavel Ávila Castrejón to support her in legal proceedings:

“We prefer to be cautious, because we have seen the actions of the State Congress. It was an issue that was not on the agenda; the session was not scheduled for Friday but for Tuesday, and in light of these arbitrary changes, we prefer to take action because, at the end of the day, she has nothing to hide.”

Both deputies were clear in pointing out that, so far, it is not confirmed that the public official facing impeachment will be the mayor of Coalcomán, as the text of the notification is redacted. However, MC believes it is Anavel Ávila Castrejón, in an attempt to attack MC and curb its popularity in Michoacán.

“If there’s an arrest warrant, let it be issued, but three months after the video leak, an impeachment trial is initiated, which could end in dismissal, in a hasty session, and as a final point, in the wee hours of the morning. If time passes without notification, it speaks of legal flaws and a Congress with a ruling party majority that will begin to remove opposition municipal presidents,” Carreño Sosa emphasized.

It’s worth remembering that the Anavel Ávila Castrejón scandal occurred during the celebrations for the 193rd anniversary of Coalcomán (December 10), where a festival was held with songs alluding to Mencho and, at the end, a concert was held in front of the Municipal Palace, where an entertainer encouraged the children present to thank the CJNG leaders for the gifts they had sent them.

Source: infobae