The Port of Tampico will integrate tourism and coastal shipping into a single plan.


The tourism reconversion of the Port of Tampico will have a comprehensive plan that will also contribute to commercial cargo, defining both the routes for cruise ship arrivals and promoting domestic shipping. While the local Port System Administration (Asipona) is conducting an analysis to determine a new bidding process for the project.

Office director Rubén Vargas Suárez, who has been in charge of this project for a month, stated that the technical, legal, and financial aspects of the strategy launched two years ago by the previous administration are being reviewed. The plan has been shown to be both interesting and enthusiastic, primarily among the private sector in southern Tamaulipas, to make this plan a reality.

At the same time, within the context of the movement of goods, an initiative will be developed to leverage the bonded area, both in terms of private investment in recreation and integration into short-sea maritime transport, moving diverse products to other Mexican ports in the Gulf of Mexico or the United States and Central America.

“We want to boost tourism, but the port continues to work to its full potential, as well as promoting coastal shipping. We are doing all of this to attract investors in the cargo sector. The reconversion will include absolutely everything, from the tourism aspect to new cruise routes, including coastal shipping,” he explained.
Upon his arrival, to receive the appointment by the General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine of the Navy Secretariat, he held meetings with mayors and state government officials, as well as local capital owners, where the status of the Tampico 1900 plan was reviewed.

“We are analyzing the projects and the existing strategy in order to resume it. We cannot act without reviewing all the legal and financial aspects, as well as the current situation, to get started from this perspective. I have been in the office for a month, and I am eager to participate with the state and municipality to make it a reality,” he explained. Vargas Suárez ruled out launching a new tender immediately, as he continues to conduct studies and take each legal step, continue meetings between the stakeholders, and have a clear outlook for its final development.

“What’s certain is that there is enthusiasm, especially among Tampico businesspeople who have always had the desire to bring the city closer to the Pánuco River,” he emphasized.

Puerto de Tampico,reconversión portuaria,turismo,cabotaje,Puertos Maritimos

Source: msn