El Pluma, alleged CJNG plaza boss in Comalcalco, Tabasco, is arrested.


The Armed Forces arrested Jorge Manuel “N,” alias El Pluma, the alleged boss of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), operating in Comalcalco, Tabasco.

According to the Federal Security Cabinet, members of the Mexican Army, National Guard, the Navy (Semar), the State Attorney General’s Office, and the State Police arrested a perpetrator of violence.

In their daily report, authorities indicated that this individual was a “priority target in the Chontalpa area” and seized various doses of drugs and ammunition.

For its part, the Tabasco Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection indicated that during patrols conducted by the Olmeca Interinstitutional Tactical Reaction Force (FIRT) in the municipality of Comalcalco, they arrested a man in flagrante delicto, allegedly responsible for crimes against public health.

As a result of investigative and intelligence work, authorities arrested El Pluma at a well-known hotel in Comalcalco.

Upon inspection, a blue backpack was seized, along with 40 transparent packages containing dried green marijuana resembling marijuana, 42 yellow butterfly-shaped packages containing a granular substance resembling crystal meth, cash, and a cell phone.

The detainee and the seized items were turned over to the appropriate authorities.

Violence in Tabasco: Two police officers executed in Paraíso
On the morning of March 21, two police officers from the municipality of Paraíso were murdered while leaving their duty.

The incident occurred in the Moctezuma Second Section ranch. Reports indicate that the officers had left their duty and were riding a red motorcycle when they were attacked.

Therefore, the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Serafín Tadeo Lazcano, accompanied by State Police Commissioner Jesús Amaya Guerrero, conducted an aerial overflight of the Comalcalco and Paraíso areas to assess the security situation in the region.

During the helicopter tour, authorities were able to monitor strategic points in both municipalities and outline a series of actions focused on citizen protection.

Source: infobae