The night Citybus stays in Oaxaca; it will expand stops and allow bicycles to be loaded


The Mobility Secretariat also announces that women will be able to ascend or descend from the unit without the need for the stop to be established.

Oaxaca de Juárez.- After carrying out a pilot test in which night service was offered on the two routes that the Citybus operates in the city of Oaxaca, this Tuesday Governor Salomón Jara announced that these schedules will remain in operation permanently; In addition, the Mobility Secretariat (Semovi) announced the expansion of stops and that special attention will be given to passengers, so that they can get on and off at any point, even if they are not established.

The authorities announced the above, in order to provide more security to users, in particular to reduce gender violence against women, so officially the Metropolitan Collective Transportation System (Citybus) will expand the number of stops on the night service of routes RC01 and RC02 that correspond from Viguera to San Sebastián Tutla and from Plaza del Valle to the Fovissste Modulo Azul.

The head of Semovi, Claudina de Gyves Mendoza, explained that these measures are announced within the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women -November 25- so that any woman get in or out from the unit without the need for the stop to be established by the authority, without leaving the established route and in a safe place, in order to reduce the walking distances to their destinations and reduce risks associated with walking at night.

Also, at the request of the municipal authority of San Sebastián Tutla, it was reported that the stops on the RC01 route will be expanded starting next Friday, November 24, with 5.8 more kilometers of coverage; For this, there will be 14 new stations to benefit the Ricardo Hernández Casanova and Mayorazgo neighborhoods, with a total of 68 stops in daytime service and 87 in night service.

Meanwhile, for the night service on the RC02 route there will be 30 daytime stations and 15 night stops.

The state official explained that there are currently 39 ATMs installed for the purchase and reloading of cards that will be used to pay for the service, which will cost eight pesos starting December 1st; 11 more are in the process of being located.

In addition, there will be credentialing points for a special rate for students, people with disabilities and older adults.

The head of Semovi also reported that, in the night service, users will be able to bring their bicycle or skateboard. The agency issued a series of recommendations, among them that their use will be subject to the space available on the bus, users will be able to enter them from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and until 3:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday.

To do this, free spaces must be identified within the units to place the bicycle, without harming the comfort of other people in the unit. Do not obstruct the access and descent doors with this means of transport; if the space for wheelchairs is not occupied, it can be placed in the playpen.

Only one bicycle or skateboard will be allowed per bus. Under no circumstances can they be hung on the handrails or on any interior accessory of the unit. Preference will be given to people with disabilities.

In these transport units you can also carry a stroller, which can enter from 6:00 a.m. until 12:00 a.m. on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and until 3:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday.

The entry of strollers will be subject to the space available on the bus and they must be folded, preference will go to people with disabilities.

De Gyves Mendoza announced that the influx of the Citybus from October 27 to November 19 was 89,926 users on both routes and shifts.

Regarding the perception of people who use this means of transportation, 97.5 percent considered the service as excellent and 99 percent evaluated the conditions of the units as excellent.

Source: El Universal