The eCommerce platforms preferred by Mexicans


With exponential growth, eCommerce in Mexico has experienced a significant increase in recent years. Factors such as internet access and the convenience of shopping from home have contributed to this phenomenon.

A study published in 2021 revealed that Latin America was one of the regions that most adapted to electronic commerce, with Mexico as one of the most established countries.

This study also revealed that the Latin American and Caribbean e-commerce market reached a retail sales value of 125 billion dollars in 2022, a fact that, ultimately, draws attention, given that the old habits of consumers, prior to the pandemic, they are back, even since last year. In this sense, it has been noted that eCommerce will continue to report significant growth in Latin America towards the year 2027.

Every year, millions of Mexican consumers eagerly await the arrival of events such as: Buen Fin, Black Friday and Cyber Monday in search of exclusive discounts and promotions. For their part, online retailers are striving to find innovative ways to differentiate themselves in a competitive market.

According to the Statista Consumer Insights survey, just over 60 percent of adults interviewed online in Mexico made at least one purchase through Amazon during the twelve months prior to the study, which spanned from October 2022 to September 2022. The American e-commerce giant is positioned as the preferred online store for Mexicans, closely followed by the Argentine platform, Mercado Libre, with 54 percent of the responses. Walmart, for its part, also stands out on the list, occupying third place in the preference of the Mexican public, with approximately a third of respondents choosing it for their purchases in the last year.

It is necessary to reach fourth position to find the first option of local origin. This recognition falls to Coppel, the department store chain based in Culiacán, which 23 percent of consumers use to make their online purchases. Likewise, Liverpool is also among the eight most used e-commerce pages in Mexico, being selected by 20 percent of the Internet users interviewed.

Source: Merca 20