The International Theater Festival returns to San Miguel de Allende: know dates and times

The eleventh edition of the International Theater Festival has arrived, with all its performances free from December 1 to 7 in three venues: Plaza La Soledad, forum of the House of Culture in Mesones and Ángela Peralta theater.

For this day, Banda foam presents the work ‘Los classicos el rock nacional’, at 5:00 p.m. in Plaza La Soledad; while at 7:00 p.m. ‘The magic of puppets’, by Figurentheater, is presented.

On Sunday, December 3, ‘The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs’, presented by the group Merequetengue, will be staged at 5:00 in the afternoon in Plaza La Soledad; and then, from the group Los Pinches Chamacos, from Mexico City, the work “The Lost Children” is presented in the forum of the culture house in Mesones. The latter is for teenagers and adults.

On Monday, December 4, the presentation “Disaster Clown” from the company Only Me arrive from Colombia, in Plaza La Soledad at 5:00 in the afternoon; At 7:00 at night, the play “Teatro Navegante” by the Catin Nardi group arrives from Brazil.

The Colectivo Escarabajo group arrives from Puebla, with the presentation “Mucho Circo”, at 5:00 in the afternoon in Plaza La Soledad. In the evening presentation comes the play “Los Perros” presented by artists from the Juan Xido Cabras community, at the Ángela Peralta theater. Both on December 5th.

The next day, the work “Tramoya Có(s)mica”, by the group Cirkiote, from Mexico City, is presented at 5:00 in the afternoon. Then the work “R3” by Barón Negro Laboratorio Escánico is presented, in the Casa de Cultura forum, for teenagers and adults.

Finally, on December 7, the work “Títeres Sacados del Tacho”, by the Argentine group Sakados del Tacho, will be presented at 5:00 in the afternoon in the plaza. Later, from Querétaro comes “Blanco Atardecer”, from the group Arrebol, at the culture house forum in Mesones. All features are free.

Source: Periodico Correo