Young men were tortured and exhibited for selling vapes in Guasave, Sinaloa (VIDEO)


On Monday, December 4th, several videos were broadcast showing two naked young people being beaten by a masked person with a wooden board. In the video, it was explained that the cause of this punishment was selling vape pens.

Guasave, Sinaloa.- They were not students nor were they stolen from inside the institution, assured the Autonomous University of the West ( UAdeO ) regarding the videos broadcast during the afternoon of this Monday in which two young people were observed being exhibited naked and ‘ ‘tabled’ as punishment for allegedly selling vapes at university.

It was through a statement that the university announced that this act of violence did not begin within the academic unit; However, the UAdeO condemned the act of violence and recognized that it affected the integrity of the university community and Guasavense society in general.

It is estimated that the boys were forced to walk in the aforementioned conditions for more than an hour. In this regard, the Secretary of Citizen Security of Guasave, Juan de Dios López, explained that the reason why the municipal police did not intervene during these events was that citizens reported that this had occurred.

It should be noted that a similar event was recorded a few weeks ago, at the end of October, but in the city of Los Mochis, municipality of Ahome, also in the state of Sinaloa.


The Mazatlan Post