Millionaire spill projected during the holiday season


Merchants, especially in the tourism sector, will hire more labor to satisfy the needs of locals and tourists.

The National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Mazatlán projects an economic impact of 4.5 billion pesos during the holiday season.

The president of Canaco, Roberto Lem González, pointed out that this figure represents 20% more than last year, with the tertiary sector being the one that has seen the greatest increase due to the arrival of tourists and countrymen.

“We are exceeding 4,500 million pesos for this closure, in these Christmas days, especially because there is also a lot of influx of tourism, family members, countrymen who come from abroad carry out their festivities here as well as their Christmas shopping, some of them and logically We would be finishing with positive numbers and we hope to start 2024 with better stability,” he said.

He added that since it is a high season economically speaking, merchants, especially in the tourism sector, will hire more labor to satisfy the needs of locals and tourists, making it one of the most profitable seasons of the year.

In addition, he considered that finally in 2023 the delay in the commercial issue that had been dragging on since 2020-2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic was left behind.

For their part, businessmen see an encouraging outlook for 2024 in the southern area and especially in Mazatlán; The president of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic, (COPARMEX) Fernando Valdez Solano, highlighted the arrival of the Tetkawi manufacturing group.

This complex, which is already being built near the airport, will have aerospace, electronics and automotive companies, the first of which will be delivered next April.

“It is a company that is going to make the part that covers the propellers or turbines of the planes, the aeronautical industry is very specialized, one makes seats, another makes boards, this one makes some of the turbines. Next year There are not going to be minimum wages in Mazatlán, we are going to have very trained people and that training leads to better incomes,” he said.

Valdez Solano pointed out that among the benefits generated by the arrival of this group is not only attracting international companies interested in settling here, but also having a more trained and better paid workforce.

This complex will provide at least 12 thousand jobs and in this first stage around 300.

Source: Formula Mazatlan