“Navigator of the Seas” the first tourist cruise that arrives in Mazatlán this 2024


The ship arrives with almost 4 thousand passengers, and it is estimated that they leave an economic spill of more than 4.9 million pesos

Mazatlán, Sin.- The tourist cruise “Navigator of the Seas” was the first to arrive at the port in this 2024, and on board it brought 3,915 passengers who represented an economic spill of more than 4.9 million pesos for both the city and the rural area.

This Tuesday also arrived in Mazatlán the “Princess Cruises”, with 4,033 passengers who will leave an economic spill of 5 million pesos, reported Estrella Palacios Domínguez, secretary of Tourism of the state.

She added that for this first month of the year, the arrival of 14 cruises is planned, of which the first four would be arriving this week, with around 15 thousand visitors for the port.

The state official indicated that Mazatlán is the second destination in terms of average number of passengers per ship, with 3,714, only below Majahual, which receives 3,920, and above Quintana Roo with 3,570, being the latter the main receiver of cruises in the country, according to Datatur.

She added that according to the information from this national platform, the average of passengers per cruise in Mexico is 3,320 people, surpassing Mazatlán with 11.9 percent to the national average.

She explained that in the annual comparison to October, Datatur reports that the average of passengers per cruise in Mazatlán increased 40.6 percent, from 2,641 cruisers in 2022 to 3,714 in 2023.

She referred that during 2024, the Sectur will continue working to increase the number of frequencies of cruises to the state, as well as to look for these to have a greater number of passengers so that the economic spill that they leave in the destination generates a benefit for the whole community, as requested by the governor Rubén Rocha Moya, that tourism be a factor of social benefit.

Source: Linea Directa