What are the Magical Neighborhoods of Mexico?

We explain everything you need to know about the Magical Neighborhoods of Mexico so that you can visit them

When we go on a trip, we usually think of visiting the famous “Magical Towns”, places with rich history, architecture, traditions, symbols, legends and emblematic stories of our nation, places that hide in their corners much of the identity that Mexico has throughout its territory. But our country is so diverse that it also has Magical Neighborhoods. If you want to know what and which are some of these places and start planning your next getaway, here we tell you everything you need to know.

Magical Neighborhoods of Mexico, an option for these vacations

The Magical Neighborhoods of Mexico are spaces distributed throughout all the regions and states of the country that, like the Magical Towns , have places full of charm, tradition and mysticism; characteristics that provide identity and belonging.

One of the reasons why this term was created a little over a year ago was to “favor the diversification of the tourist destinations of our wonderful country, through a joint effort between the orders of government”, according to official information from the Ministry of Tourism .

“The Magical Neighborhood represents a space in which various elements are combined that make it unique and unrepeatable: history, culture, gastronomy, products and services, as well as the coexistence of the local population with visitors. It is a place where you can discover the ‘spirit’ and essence of a city”, said the head of the Ministry of Tourism of the Government of Mexico Miguel Torruco Marqués.

In addition, the Magical Neighborhoods highlight emblematic places that, being in the cities, could not be considered as a magical town as such. Additionally, they aim to encourage the displacement of tourists by road, especially to open spaces.

In total, Mexico has 32 Magical Neighborhoods, one for each state in the country.

What are some of the Magical Neighborhoods of Mexico?

As we already mentioned, there are 32 Magical Neighborhoods and here we present some of them.

Tlaxcala Neighborhood, San Luis Potosí

The Tlaxcala Neighborhood is an area located north of the city of San Luis Potosí. It stands out for being the first to be founded in the city, back in 1592. The name comes from the Tlaxcalan and Guachichil families that populated the region.

El Arbolillo, Pachuca

This neighborhood, located in Pachuca, Hidalgo, was built on a hill, from where you can see incredible views of the “cradle of Mexican soccer”. For this reason, El Arbolito has many inclined streets, as well as giant murals and vestiges of mines that were worked by English miners at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Although they are not all, these are its most outstanding attractions.

Jacatlaco Neighborhood, Oaxaca

This Magical Neighborhood is located 10 minutes from the Oaxaca zocalo. In this place you can find cobblestone streets, colonial houses, traditional restaurants, murals and craft shops where you can take one or another souvenir, among other features.

Villa de Seris, Hermosillo

In Hermosillo, Sonora you can find Villa de Seris, a neighborhood that has existed since 1741, long before Hermosillo was a city. The buildings of this Magical Neighborhood are from the 18th and 19th centuries, in addition to having spaces such as the Plaza de los Tres Pueblos, the old flour mill ‘La Fama’ and other emblematic places that give it that old touch.

In your next list of places to visit, you should definitely add the Magical Neighborhoods.

Source: El Universal