Huatulco, art and culture with “Oaxaquia” Vol II


The Second Edition of the Artistic Installation Oaxaquia will take place on March 2 and 3, with headquarters at Casa Nabani bed & boat, located at the Mirador de la Marina Chahué, Huatulco.

The artistic quality of this installation lies in the plurality of languages, imaginaries and worldviews of different cultural and biological expressions that, through 15 Oaxacan artists, recover from gastronomy, music, poetry, plastic, graphic, architecture and digital arts, various forms to understand divergence, endemisms and diversity of bicultural landscapes in the state.

The program of artists is integrated by León Arrazola, Armando Manuel, Gam Bernardino, Edna Guzmán, Mick Escobar, Sabino López Aquino, Carlos “Spenk”, Flora Abel, Noé Jacinto, Oznar Galo, Jesús Edel Bustamante Cruz, Ixrael Montes, Heriberto Palafox, Antonio Osorio Pineda and Francisco Escobar Bautista, from the Sierra Sur, Costa, Istmo and Valles Centrales of the State of Oaxaca.

Among the technical languages that can be appreciated are ancestral creative processes such as humography, bone relief, ceramics, botanical printing and use of indigo and mangrove tannins, use of cochineal, as well as embroidery and weaving, passing through contemporary techniques of graphic and plastic such as engraving and painting in acrylic, oil and watercolors, including digital arts such as mapping, augmented reality and 3D, intervention and digital illustration, in addition to mixed techniques.

This important artistic event of international projection will have its headquarters in the Marina de Yates of the Bay of Chahué in Casa Nabani bed & boat, a Mediterranean architecture enclosure with spacious rooms and fresh spaces with finishes in precious woods, specialized in Sport Fishing in the modality of Catch and release.

Oaxaquia is inspired by the research of the Geologist Fernando Ortega, who demonstrated that Oaxaca is located in one of the regions of a micro continent born after Pangea and has a history of displacements and collisions extremely complex from its formation, a billion years ago, to the present.

This prehistoric island has the oldest mineral record in southern Mexico, and in its evolution and integration to the continental platform of Mexico it maintains memory of its contact with territories such as South America, Europe and Africa.

The access is free with a voluntary cooperation, in a visiting schedule of 19:00 to 22:00 hours.

Source: Sucediendo en Oaxaca