AMEQ would extend Qrobús hours


Cuanalo announces that they are analyzing possible changes from Monday to Saturday

Miguel Gallardo / Diario de Querétaro

Given the demand from users to have a service that allows them to travel to their homes or work after 10 at night, the Mobility Agency of the State of Querétaro (AMEQ) analyzes the possibility of extending the route two more hours in some trunk routes, from Monday to Saturday. This was reported by Gerardo Cuanalo Santos, director of the aforementioned government body.

“We are considering expanding the service to provide night routes from ten to twelve at night. We are evaluating which routes, but in the next few days we are going to define it, although they may be the routes with the greatest mobility,” said Cuanalo Santos.

He said that the above is due to a demand from service providers, especially from people who leave work after ten at night and who have problems getting from one point to another.

We are determining which routes, because obviously it would not be the entire system, but which routes are being evaluated. The price remains the same, but, I insist, we are still evaluating the routes,” commented the director of the AMEQ.

He specified that this could be done since the Mobility Agency has the buses and operators, so it is intended to incorporate services that benefit certain areas of the city.

Gerardo Cuanalo pointed out that what is intended with the extended hours is that people who are in the areas with the greatest mobility can have access on the routes with the greatest demand, which leads them to make the decision that they can be the trunk routes.

He clarified that if this scheme is applied it will be carried out gradually, although the objective is to comply with the demand that the service providers have made of them.

Regarding security during the hours until midnight, he mentioned that as these are trunk routes managed by the Mobility Agency, in addition to the fact that they have cameras and are connected to the security areas.

Resultado de imagen de qrbus

Source: diariodequeretaro