AMLO and his questioned legacy with airline and airport deaths


Less than four months after the end of the mandate of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), the balance for the Mexican aeronautical sector is not the best

The bankruptcy of the airlines Interjet and Aeromar is being questioned, in addition to the cancellation of the New CDMX International Airport (NAIM) and the construction of the replacement, the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA).

The decision to cancel the NAIM did not allow Mexico to become a major air connection center in the region that could move 100 million passengers annually. In its place, it built the AIFA, which competes with the Mexico City International Airport (AICM), but has also failed to fulfill its purpose of decongesting the AICM.

Added to this was the handing over of the leadership of the Federal “Civil” Aviation Agency to the military, which led the United States to downgrade the Security Category from 1 to 2. It also created two airport groups led by the Secretary of the Defense and another by the Secretary of the Navy, as Darío Celis points out in his column in El Heraldo.

On the other hand, Celis points out that the bankruptcy of the airlines Interjet, owned by Miguel Alemán, and Aeromar, owned by Zvi Katz, was due to the lack of control by the aeronautical regulator. Instead, he decided to launch a new government airline, Mexicana de Aviación, with an operating cost this year of 8.34 billion pesos, says Celis.

As reported by, Mexicana lost nearly USD 5 million in the first quarter of the year, against expenses of USD 7,659,494, according to information from El Financiero provided by Transparencia, and income of nearly USD 2,828,120 in the quarter, assuming a business model that translates into a huge negative margin. (Mexican: millionaire loss in its debut with a huge negative margin).

Source: Reportur