Kids First will perform more than 100 free orthopedic surgeries for children in San Miguel de Allende

The organization of American doctors will hold its day from May 19 to 23 at the La Joya Hospital dedicated to children and young people with orthopedic problems

Realizará Kids First más de 100 cirugías ortopédicas gratuitas a niños de San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato For more than 20 years, medical personnel from different parts of the United States have met in the municipality of San Miguel de Allende with the sole purpose of improving the quality of life of boys and girls in the region. , so every year, through the Kids First medical event, more than 100 free orthopedic surgeries are performed.

Kids First is made up of a group of more than 30 Americans, including doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, instrumentalists and volunteers coordinated by Dr. Billy Andrews, who assume the travel and lodging expenses in the municipality to join this day in support of minors. with an orthopedic problem that requires surgery.

Roberto Maxwell, coordinator of Kids First in San Miguel de Allende, pointed out that this year they estimate to receive 250 minors for evaluation and perform at least 150 surgeries.

“The surgeries are scheduled with the idea that each minor receives the maximum benefit (…) almost all children require two or three surgeries, so the operations are scheduled to be performed year after year until they are well,” he indicated. he.

When will the operations take place?

This edition will take place from May 19 to 23 at La Joya Hospital, dedicating the first day to evaluating the patients and the following days to performing the operations. Minors are discharged the same day and doctors return within six weeks to remove stitches and perform a check-up. After the operations, the benefited children receive free rehabilitation therapies at the Municipal DIF.

Kids First serves minors in the northern part of the state in a vulnerable situation regardless of whether they have medical service through Social Security or ISSSTE. Those interested can register at the Municipal DIF of San Miguel de Allende or go early Sunday to the Hospital La Jewel.

In addition to their work, the medical staff provides all the material and medications necessary for their work, so they are only provided with transportation from the airport, food, and the hospital facilities where the entire process takes place.

Throughout 22 years of work, Kids First has cared for more than 2,500 boys, girls and adolescents with different problems, some of them did not have the ability to walk and now live their normal lives.


Dr. Maxwell points out that although he has wanted to integrate local doctors into this work, orthopedists have not shown interest.

“I have tried to convince orthopedists and none of them have wanted to participate (…) they could learn why specialist doctors come that there are not in the country, but they are not interested,” he said.

This day is joined by civil society groups who provide time and food for the families who come for assessment, carrying out activities for the children so that they do not get bored while they wait.

“People from the surrounding area gather here, every year they come, they have already felt that joy of giving and making your skin crawl because of the comments,” said Roberto Maxwell.

Source: periodocorreo