The true face of excess mortality by COVID-19 in Mexico

The high prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular conditions also played a crucial role in excess mortality.

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In a previous column we carry out an analysis and reflection of the Report of the Independent Commission of Research on the Covid-19 pandemic in Mexico. Many people in the media – as well as opinion leaders – agreed that the time to make public the results of this commission were not the most appropriate, because they were living a polarized electoral contest and that it would not pay an academic and scientific discussion proposed to future pandemics.

In this sense, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), through its Secretary General, Mr. Marcos Bucio, asked Dr. Jaime Sepúlveda, coordinator of this Commission: “A serious, scientific and open dialogue to society , incorporating the vision of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE), the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco) and workers’ counselors, in addition to publishing the results after the elections ”.

In contrast, Dr. Sepúlveda ‘revirmed’ saying that: “The IMSS left without answering the numerous job requests”, recognizing that the only communication was for “postponing the publication until after June 2”, a situation that the commission that the commission that the commission did not do.

Given the electoral tension that on many occasions clouds the understanding and academic debate, again the scientific analysis is the one that must prevail. This is how the prestigious magazine The Lancet, in its number this month, publishes a series of academic-scientific articles under the title “The global load of the study 2021 ″, in which the role of various diseases in the Mortality of 204 countries, including Mexico and its 32 federative entities.

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The charge of the disease measures health losses in the population, represented by both the mortal and non -mortal consequences of diseases and risk factors associated with them, through indicators such as the years of life lost by premature mortality ( AVPMP), the years lived with disabilities (AVD), and the years adjusted for disability (AAD). The analysis carried out in The Lancet magazine uses these indicators as a more detailed vision of public health, allowing a more comprehensive analysis.

Mexico’s analysis reveals significant differences in the burden of disease between the various federative entities. For example, Mexico City and Nuevo León show a high load of AAD, reflecting a higher prevalence of chronic diseases and premature deaths. In contrast, states such as Chiapas and Veracruz have relatively lower, although still significant figures.

The high prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases also played a crucial role in excess mortality in Mexico, according to what is published in this magazine. These diseases that increase the risk of serious complications by COVID-19, also represent a significant load in terms of AVD and AVPMP.

Similarly, a previous study published in this magazine reveals that obesity was a key factor in the severity of Covid-19 cases in Mexico. It is estimated that more than 50 percent of deaths in adults from 20 to 64 years and almost 24 percent in over 65 were attributable to obesity.

Excessive deaths occurred during Pandemia by COVID-19 can be analyzed in different ways, one of them is politics and another, the scientist. The scientific analysis shows us that the high load of chronic diseases and the prevalence of obesity played a critical role in mortality during pandemic.

Pandemia has left crucial lessons for public health in Mexico. While we are responsible only for government policies and decisions for the results obtained, we are leaving aside an objective analysis that allows us to recognize and address the deep underlying health problems that affect the Mexican population.

Only through an integral approach and with a resilient health system we can be better prepared to face future pandemics and improve the health of all Mexicans.

Source: elfinanciero