Marine rescues 3 ‘forgotten’ divers off Punta Cancún


Three people who were engaged in recreational diving activity were rescued by elements of the Secretariat of the Navy (Semar) after being stranded 3.7 kilometers northeast of Punta Cancún.

In a statement published today, Semar reported that this rescue, which occurred yesterday, was carried out by personnel from the Naval Station for Search, Rescue, and Maritime Surveillance (ENSAR) Isla Mujeres.

According to the report, Semar personnel were conducting maritime surveillance patrols between Isla Mujeres and Punta Cancún when they noticed three individuals with diving equipment requesting assistance. The divers stated that the boat that had taken them for the mentioned activity had left them adrift.

As a result, naval personnel transported the individuals to the Naval Command facilities, where they were assessed by Naval Health personnel.

“All three individuals, including a woman approximately 40 years old, were in good health and left on their own accord.”

Source: Noticaribe Peninsular