This is how the progress of the Arena Potosí is going, when will it be inaugurated?

The government of San Luis Potosí recently confirmed that the Arena Potosí is 70 percent complete and shared PHOTOS of the construction

Además de recinto deportivo y de espectáculos, la Arena Potosí será un centro cultural del estado. Foto: Especial

San Luis Potosí Governor Ricardo Gallardo Cardona reported on the progress of the Arena Potosí, which was planned to welcome the 2024 National Potosina Fair (Fenapo), however, despite the fact that 70 percent of the construction has been completed, the venue will not be ready for the state festival.

When will the Arena Potosí open?

The president confirmed that the Arena Potosí will open its doors until September to welcome the new 2024 National Charro Congress.

“In August it would overshadow the issue of the fair or vice versa, they would clash a lot, but in September the first days we would be ready to bring some great show, whether it be a sporting or concert for the inauguration of the Arena and from there all the great shows that come to San Luis Potosí can be done in the Arena Potosí.”

Gallardo Cardona also assured that in addition to a sports and entertainment venue, the Arena Potosí will be a cultural center, the largest in San Luis Potosí, but above all the “largest Arena in the country and the most modern.”

The Arena Potosí is planned to receive around 10 thousand people, far from the more than 22 thousand people that the Arena of Mexico City can accommodate, the almost 18 thousand of the Palacio de los Deportes, the 17 thousand 500 of the Arena Monterrey and even under construction next to the Potosina is The Guadalajara Arena, which will have a capacity for 20,000 people.

Likewise, this new entertainment center in San Luis Potosí will have an investment of almost 500 million pesos and began construction in the first four months of 2023 with the intention of being completed in November of that same year, however, this was not the case, so it is more than a year behind schedule.

Source: sanluis.eluniversal