Prevention and control actions for dengue, zika and chikungunya are implemented in Colima

More than 160 thousand actions were carried out in the state to control dengue, zika and chikungunya, which benefited 550 thousand inhabitants.

Casos de dengue en Colima.

The Health Secretariat of the government of the state of Colima has carried out more than 160 thousand permanent actions in the 10 municipalities of the entity for the prevention and control of dengue, zika and chikungunya.

Thanks to this, 555 thousand 051 inhabitants of the entity have been protected with larval control actions, nebulization and residual spraying in the homes of probable cases.

It indicated that it has carried out larval control actions (application of larvicide and promotion of the strategy ‘Wash, cover, turn over and throw away’) house by house in the colonies and localities of greatest risk, in which work has been done in 91 thousand 223 homes and 152 thousand 818 have been visited, with 160 thousand 219 inhabitants protected.

Permanent fogging actions have been carried out (application of insecticide with a vehicle-mounted fogging machine) in localities with probable and confirmed cases of dengue, totaling 5,600 hectares worked or fogged and 368,307 inhabitants protected.

Also, residual spraying (intra- and peri-domiciliary fumigation) is carried out in probable cases of dengue reported in the National Epidemiological Surveillance System –Sinave–, with 9,120 houses sprayed and 26,525 inhabitants protected.

In addition, the reading of 5,400 ovitraps distributed in the five high-risk municipalities (Armería, Colima, Manzanillo, Tecomán and Villa de Álvarez) is maintained constant, of which 2,243 have been positive, that is, 42%, with an average of eggs per block of 60.2 percent.

The Ministry of Health added that training and updating activities in biology and vector control are also carried out, as well as training and retraining of Vector personnel, in addition to the hiring of 24 elements (brigades) to reinforce the activities.

It invited the population to actively participate in the prevention of dengue, receiving Vector personnel in their homes when they bring the larvicide, opening doors and windows when the nebulization units pass by.

How many cases of dengue are there in Colima?

In case of signs or symptoms of this disease, one should go to the Health Center to receive adequate care. The state of Colima is ranked fifth nationwide in the number of dengue cases, with 1,008, and first in incidence, with a rate of 121.13 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Source: milenio