Where will the zip line at the Mazatlán Lighthouse pass and when will it be inaugurated?

The Mazatlán Port is preparing an exciting attraction: a zip line over the sea, learn the details.

The Sinaloan port is ready to present a new attraction that promises to be a thrilling tourist magnet: a zip line that will connect two of the most iconic hills in the region.

The idea for this zip line was proposed seven years ago by entrepreneur Amado Guzmán Reynaud. However, its construction began only last December after an exhaustive review and study process by authorities.

Mariel Aquileo Ancona Infanzón, General Director of the Mazatlán National Port Administration System (Asipona), confirmed that the attraction already has all the necessary government permits, including those from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat).

Currently, only one thing is missing: obtaining certification from a US-based company specializing in security and international standards for this type of attraction, ensuring the safety of all visitors.

Aerial walk

The Mazatlán zip line will be similar to the famous Xtasea in Acapulco, known as the longest zip line over the sea in the world. This new attraction will start from Cerro del Crestón, home to the iconic Mazatlán Lighthouse and Faro Mazatlán Natural Park, and extend to Cerro del Vigía, where the 1873 Mazatlán Observatory is located.

Adventurers can slide along 1,265 meters, reaching heights of between 60 and 160 meters, with most of the route over the sea. The experience, which will be done in a “superman” position (head down, arms and legs extended), promises to reach speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour.

Impact on the crystal viewing platform

Due to the construction of the zip line, the crystal viewing platform at Faro Mazatlán Natural Park has been temporarily closed to the public since April 5th.

This measure was taken due to the necessary drilling in Cerro del Crestón, increasing the risk of landslides and rock falls, making it unsafe for access to the viewing platform during construction.

Inauguration and expectations

Although there is no official date announced for the inauguration, it is expected that the zip line will be ready by this summer, between June and July. So far, no additional information has been provided on the costs and hours of operation for the new attraction.

This zip line promises to be an unforgettable experience for those seeking strong emotions and a unique perspective of Mazatlán’s port. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting addition to the region’s tourism.

Source: Luz Noticias