Transfeminicides increase 100% in Mexico City during 2024: NGOs

Los transfeminicidios han aumentado 100% en la Ciudad de México en lo que va de 2024. Foto: Berenice Fregoso

Transfeminicides have increased by 100% in Mexico City so far this year, so collectives asked local deputies to keep their word and approve on July 18 a ruling to classify this crime, known as the Paola Buenrostro Law, and punish it with up to 70 years in prison.

“Letra Ese” documented that in 2023, five hate crimes occurred in the country’s capital; while the National Trans/Non-Binary Assembly (ANTNB) documented that from January to June of this year alone there have already been 10 transfeminicides.

According to this count, carried out by Jay Fernández and Jazz Bustamante, these 10 cases represent 32% of the total hate crimes that have occurred nationwide.

The first documented transfemicide in 2024 occurred on January 14 when Samantha Gómez Fonseca was killed by a gunshot in the Xochimilco municipality. The second case occurred on February 15 when Devaly Vilchis Larios ‘La Pepona’ was murdered in the Morelos neighborhood.

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The last two transfemicides documented by the ANTNB were recorded on June 6 and 28, when Trinity and Alejandra Arana were beaten and stabbed to death, respectively.

“The capital of this country is the sixth entity that registers the highest number of feminicides, a city that claims to be respectful of sexual and gender diversity, today we are the sixth place that registers the highest number of feminicides of trans women, that is why it is important to criminalize transfeminicide, and also to send the message out there that whoever violates or deprives a trans woman of her life will have consequences and will not go unpunished,” said Natalina Lane, activist and survivor of an attempted transfeminicide.

According to “Letra Ese”, in 2023 the murder of 43 trans women was reported, which represents 65% of the total number of LGBT+ victims. In the case of gay men, 16 cases were recorded, that is, 24% of the total number. While for lesbian women, at least 4 cases were reported, 6% of the total.

Guns have been identified as the most common weapon used in hate crimes, followed by knives or sharp weapons.

This afternoon, the Paola Buenrostro Law was approved in committees and the president of the Political Coordination Board, Martha Ávila, assured that this ruling will be discussed on July 18 in the last extraordinary period that this II Legislature will have.

The Morena deputy, Temístocles Villanueva, commented that the approval of this ruling is only the first step to settle a historical debt with the victims of transfemicides in the City.

“We call on the deputies to approve the Paola Buenrostro Law in the next extraordinary session of the CDMX Congress. We cannot be oblivious to this reality. Recognizing and guaranteeing the human rights of trans people must be a legislative, public policy and social justice priority,” he said.

Source: eluniversal