There will be a Pambazo Festival in Veracruz

Imagen Habrá Festival del Pambazo en Veracruz

From August 16 to 18, the Pambazo Festival will be held in the municipality of Veracruz, as announced by Luisa Juárez, the event organizer.

In an interview with XEU, she explained that this festival that will take place in Veracruz will be the second edition, since the first one was held in Orizaba.

People are expected to come to delight their palates with various presentations of pambazos, from the traditional one, which is beans with chorizo, to polaca, mole with chicken, and chilango.

The event will take place on Julio S Montero Street, between Esteban Morales and Francisco Canal in the historic center of Veracruz.

She said that they will also be able to participate in cultural activities, toritos of various flavors and products made by artisans.

Source: xeu