Underpass opens at Paseo 5 de Febrero and Avenida de las Torres

This Sunday morning, the underpass connecting Paseo 5 de Febrero with Avenida de las Torres was finally opened.

This new underpass will allow motorists to go to the area of ​​the city that connects with colonies such as Galindas, Ejido Modelo, La Capilla and Prados de la Capilla.

It also facilitates access to the Plaza de Toros and to Boulevard de las Américas, its connection with Prolongación Zaragoza, and Avenida Constituyentes.

The opening of the underpass will speed up the transfer time of vehicles and help relieve traffic on Paseo 5 de Febrero, heading towards the Mexico-Querétaro highway.

The underpass has two lanes and is located under the vehicular bridge at the intersection with the highway to Tlacote.

Source: adninformativo