Entrepreneurs from Morelos are invited to digital training

The general director of Orgullo Morelos, Polo Ortega Rosales, invited entrepreneurs to participate in the training that will be given at the Morelos Museum of Sciences on the benefits of the new digital platform “Correosclic”, a tool of the Mexican Postal Service.
Ortega Rosales highlighted that, two weeks ago, a collaboration agreement was signed with the Mexican Postal Service, which allows companies affiliated with the Orgullo Morelos program to use this platform for free.
“It is like a marketplace, a place where you can upload your products, and they take care of all the shipping logistics,” he explained.

Correosclic offers several benefits, such as the commercialization of products 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, registration and publications at no cost, access to more than 870 offices to deposit shipments, distribution throughout Mexico and reach in the 191 member countries of the Universal Postal Union.

There are 43 offices and more than 100 postal workers in the state who process more than a million pieces of mail daily, so this collaboration network is vital for the growth and competitiveness of local businesses, as it allows them to reach potential customers both inside and outside the state.

“This is another achievement of the Secretariat of Economic Development and Labor through the General Directorate of Orgullo Morelos, which seeks to promote the marketing of products through digital tools,” said Ortega Rosales.

For this reason, he invited all entrepreneurs interested in promoting their products through this platform to attend the training, which will take place on Thursday, August 22 at 11:00 a.m.

Source: diariodemorelos