Sectur Guerrero will request to extend the free service of the Autopista del Sol

The Secretary of Tourism in Guerrero, Simón Quiñones Orozco, announced that they will send letters to the Presidency and the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT) to extend the term of the free toll road on the Autopista del Sol.

In an interview yesterday after attending the inauguration of the Golden Olympics for Senior Citizens in Acapulco, he reported that the documents have already been prepared to carry out this process, however, he clarified that if this request is not made, they will promote a campaign to promote the State’s tourist destinations for the weekends.

The secretary mentioned that this upcoming campaign will have the purpose of promoting Acapulco, Ixtapa – Zihuatanejo and Taxco, since he considered that the weekends are “positive”, based on an analysis carried out during Holy Week.

“That has not changed, we believe that we will have the same tendency, although the toll is now active. We are going to make the effort to appeal to the sensitivity of these months,” he commented.

Questioned about the support of the president of the Association of Hotels and Tourist Companies of Acapulco (AHETA) for the non-payment of tolls, which will attract high-spending tourism, he expressed his respect for the statements of the representative of this business sector, who said that “it is not out of place to support the continued free use of the Autopista (del Sol).

It should be remembered that the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT) reported that on Monday, August 26, toll collection at the Guerrero toll booths will be reactivated, after 10 months of being free due to the disaster of Hurricane Otis.

Through a statement, it specified that 9.4 million light vehicles that circulated benefited from the non-payment of the Autopista, which means approximately 18.8 million people who made use of this support from the federal government.

On the other hand, regarding the projection of the summer vacation season, he said that they will have an economic impact of 5.8 billion pesos and will approximately reach 68 percent of general hotel occupancy in Guerrero’s tourist destinations.

“The figures we have show us that the forecasts are being met and exceeded, but we will know that this weekend, which concludes the vacation season,” he concluded.

Source: elsoldeacapulco