They fool grandparents with the old “pacazo” trick; now they do it with dollars

Los detenidos engañaban a adultos mayores con el viejo truco del 'pacazo'.

Elements of the Citizen Security Secretariat (SCC) of San Miguel de Allende arrested a man and a woman who dismantled a criminal cell that was dedicated to the fraud of the “pacazos” types

The arrest occurred after a citizen complaint to the emergency number 911 in which it was reported that a man and a woman had just deceived several elderly people by convincing them to exchange cash for a “package” that had more money and supposed gold coins.

In response to this citizen alert, through the C4 Operations Center, a Municipal Police unit was sent, which went to the downtown area of ​​the city where the elements located on the corner of Hidalgo and Callejón del Pueblito streets the alleged perpetrators who coincided with the characteristics given in the report and who were trying to deceive more people who minutes before had just withdrawn money from a bank.

The police arrived with the couple and carried out a control check on the suspects, whom they identified as María Luisa and Pedro and found among their belongings an unusual amount of money and several “packages” of supposed money that they were offering to commit said fraud.

At the time that the municipal police arrived with the couple, who upon seeing themselves discovered, tried to bribe the police officers to let them go, so the agents proceeded to arrest the man and the woman and transferred them to the Municipal Detention Center where they were placed at the disposition of the Public Prosecutor of the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Guanajuato (FGEG), to answer for these events.

The San Miguel SSC calls on the general population to file a complaint with the Regional Prosecutor’s Office D in case they have been victims of these people or call 911 for support and for their complaint to be added so that the detainees are brought to justice.

Source: lasillarota