Axolotls, hedgehogs and snakes, unconventional pet fair organized in Oaxaca, we tell you how to attend

Conoce la feria de Oaxaca con animales no convencionales

Every time a pet fair is held, at we share details about it; so, in this installment we will talk about the peculiar non-conventional pet fair in Oaxaca that is organized in said state of the country, because beyond the fact that dogs and cats are the most requested “friends”, there is also love to give to other kinds of animals.

When and where will the non-conventional pet fair in Oaxaca take place?

All those interested in the non-conventional pet fair in Oaxaca must go to the Esplanade of the Rector’s Office of the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO), this from August 30 to September 1.

How much does it cost and at what time can you attend the Oaxaca pet fair?

The event is organized by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the UABJO, bringing together 52 exhibitors and the cost to enter is only 15 pesos. The public will be able to enjoy the non-conventional pet fair in Oaxaca from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

What kind of animals will be at the Oaxacan animal fair and what is its objective?

If you are interested in snakes, hedgehogs, ferrets, geckos, axolotls and ornamental birds, this is your place, because you will be able to admire different species from Oaxaca and other states of the Republic (such as Veracruz, Puebla and Mexico City). The Fair aims to promote the conservation and care of species, as well as raise awareness among the population, to avoid the predation of these animals in their natural habitat, as reported by the Director of the FMVZ, Mtro. Eleazar Altamirano Mijangos.

Will pets be available for purchase?

It was added that there will be the sale of pets, which were bred in captivity specifically for this purpose, and have the corresponding certificate; “It is not about having animals for the sake of having them, you have to ensure their well-being and care. They are a responsibility,” said Eleazar Altamirano.

Recommendations before having a pet

Before acquiring a pet, you should analyze whether you have enough time
You should verify whether you have enough space for your new guest
You should check whether your lifestyle is compatible with the new pet, so that said specimen lives in optimal conditions
Workshops at the Oaxaca pet fair
The non-conventional pet fair in Oaxaca will include 3 workshops on pet care:

Source: unotv