Parents block streets in Oaxaca City

Parents and teachers from the Abraham Castellanos School are blocking the street of Reforma and Constitución in the center of Oaxaca City.

Parents reported that their action is to demand clarification on the issue of a resource that came to the school for construction work that has not been completed.

According to teachers and parents, the school received more than half a million pesos as part of the program La Escuela es Nuestra, but said resource disappeared.

For this reason, they hold the Treasurer, Obdulia Flores, responsible for keeping the money, as well as her husband Eliseo Ruiz, owner of the company Ingeniería y Topografía Renta y Equipo Topográfico in charge of the work.

It is known that the Attorney General of Oaxaca has already taken action on this issue, however there is no report of progress in the investigations.

Given this situation, parents decided to block together with the start of classes.

For the moment, the blockade affects the passage of motorists in this area of ​​the capital.

Source: cuartaplana